Baby face . . . you've got the cutest little baby face . . . and I'm not talkin' about my perma-puppy self, either.
On Monday, Mom had her third of a series of three microdermabrasion treatments with Anne Bragg at the Vineville Spa & Salon. The third time’s the charm, as they say, and Mom has learned to love the feeling of naturally blasting all her skin sins away. She is convinced microderm is the most reliable way to go in the search for the fountain of youth. Not only does it erase fine lines and increase collagen, but it has its way with all facial imperfections . . . shrinking pores, decreasing overtly oily shine, 86-ing facial scars and combating acne are just a few of the microderm-it miracles. This is without harsh chemicals or products that could have you looking like a tomato-faced Samantha – remember that SATC episode?
Being a born-and-bred Southern belle flower, if you just touch Mom’s skin the wrong way, she’ll find a way to bruise. Just as she is gardenia-like white, she’ll quickly turn pink, red or even purple at the slightest sensitivity. What kept her weary of any anti-aging technique further furrowed her brow. She was worried her skin would over-react, and she would end up looking like the aforementioned Miz Jones.
But with microderm, what little pink she turns doesn’t last for long. She also slightly peels around her nose within two days after treatment (nothing lotion can’t handle) which shows her skin is responding. Her rash-prone skin also doesn’t freak out with a break out. In fact, after this third round, she found a few pores that decided to “express” themselves after microderm coaxed out the clogs.
So, as far as long-term skincare goes, will Mom go back for more? Needle-less to say, Microderm is better than Botox and as natural as the wind and sand on your face. Mom has already made her next appointment.
In honor of the grand finale of Candy Land’s “Mom and Microderm” experiment, Anne Bragg at the Vineville Spa & Salon is giving away free microdermabrasion treatments. Send me a Candygram at maconcandy@gmail.com with your name and contact number, and Anne will personally call you to set up the complimentary appointment. Yes, even the guys are doing it, so fellas (yeah), fellas, even tough boys can flesh it out.
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