This week, Mom got one of the most exciting phone calls in a while. It was her friend Leah, a.k.a. the Magnolia Cowgirl, calling from the land line at the ranch. "I rode a horse today!" she says. "And it was awesome. And I loved it. And I see how you love it. You were the first person I called!"

It all began this time last year when Mom and her friend, who was then referred to as Honey Shot, decided to channel their inner-Annie Oakley and take a trip to a friend's Wyoming ranch. Except this friend's ranch was the size of a small country. And while Mom chased cows for the annual branding, Honeyshot was taking some of the best shots of her career in photography. Honey had also caught the eye of a real deal cowboy, who happened to be the foreman of the ranch. And he happened to catch her eye, too.
Fast forward almost exactly one year later and Honeyshot is now our Magnolia Cowgirl, settling into her new home, back at the ranch . . . in Wyoming. She uprooted her city life on Magnolia Street and followed her heart into the wild and arms of her cowboy. It's the stuff Harlequin novels are made of. And Mom says she's never heard her friend sound so happy.
Of course, Mom and the rest of their Little Creative Crew miss her terribly. When she heard the Magnolia Cowgirl's voice and the excitement coming from the other end of the country, Mom's eyes welled with tears. She was both proud her friend finally swung into the saddle and sad she couldn't have been there to give her the leg-up.
Then today a package arrived in the mail, with a Wheatland, Wyoming return address. Mom tore into the box with excitement to find, wrapped neatly in spur-spangled tissue, a vintage leather, tooled purse - the kind fashionable cowgirls carry. Mom swooned. It is exactly what she has been wanting for quite some time, and it couldn't be in more perfect, plus it matches her boots.
One year later from the adventure of a lifetime, she finally got the perfect souvenir.

P.S. Read the old posts about their trip to Wyoming here.
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